
这里包含区块链生态的所有攻击面的漏洞,覆盖 区块链节点,数字钱包,代币, 矿机 等区块链生态的漏洞


SSV ID 漏洞名称
SSV-97415 DimonCoin(FUD), ERC20 token, allows attackers to steal all victim’s balances (CVE-2018–11411)
SSV-97414 New evilReflex Bug Identified in Multiple ERC20 Smart Contracts (CVE-2018-12702, CVE-2018-12703)
SSV-97413 Attack on Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) used in 1000 Guess, an Ethereum lottery game. (CVE-2018–12454)
SSV-97412 Bugged Smart Contract FuturXE: How Could Someone Mess up with Boolean? (CVE-2018–12025)
SSV-97411 EPoD: Ethereum Packet of Death (CVE-2018-12018)
SSV-97409 Full Disclosure of Highly-Manipulatable, tradeTrap-Affected ERC20 Tokens in Multiple Top Exchanges(CVE-2018-11446)
SSV-97408 New ceoAnyone Bug Identified in Multiple Crypto Game Smart Contracts (CVE-2018-11329)
SSV-97407 erc20 contract KoreaShow bug(CVE-2018-10973)
SSV-97406 Attackers can steal all of Ether in ROC (Rasputin Online Coin) token smart contract (CVE-2018–10944)
SSV-97405 Aurora IDEX Membership(IDXM), ERC20 Token, allows attackers to acquire contract ownership (CVE-2018–10666)
SSV-97322 New allowAnyone Bug Identified in Multiple ERC20 Smart Contracts (CVE-2018-11397, CVE-2018-11398)
SSV-97321 New burnOverflow Bug Identified in Multiple ERC20 Smart Contracts (CVE-2018-11239)
SSV-97320 New multiOverflow Bug Identified in Multiple ERC20 Smart Contracts (CVE-2018-10706)
SSV-97319 New ownerAnyone Bug Allows For Anyone to ''Own'' Certain ERC20-Based Smart Contracts (CVE-2018-10705)
SSV-97318 New transferFlaw Bug Used For Possible Scam Token Listed In A Top Exchange(CVE-2018-10468)
SSV-97314 Bitmain Antminer D3/L3+/S9 - Remote Command Execution(CVE-2018-11220)
SSV-97306 Claymore Dual Miner Remote Code Execution(CVE-2018-1000049)
SSV-97248 New batchOverflow Bug in Multiple ERC20 Smart Contracts (CVE-2018–10299)
SSV-97247 New proxyOverflow Bug in Multiple ERC20 Smart Contracts (CVE-2018-10376)